Contracts form the core of most business relationships in Colorado. Whether the contract covers goods, services, rent, employment or virtually any other facet of business, the parties to the agreement are expected to hold up their end of the bargain. When a party fails to perform their contractual obligations, a breach of contract lawsuit may […]

At our Denver law firm, we often hear the same question from small business owners and leaders: What is a typical timeline for small business litigation? Unfortunately, there is no typical timeline for small business lawsuits. Relatively simple matters may be resolved with a well-drafted letter from an attorney. Sometimes, you can resolve the issue […]

If you’re running a business, you might have one or more business partners. While partnerships can be incredibly successful, they can also lead to disagreements. If you’re facing a partnership dispute, it’s essential to understand the relevant laws and how to best deal with your stubborn business partner. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the […]

Denver-based Keating Wagner Polidori Free P.C. a leading personal injury and high stakes commercial litigation law firms has been ranked in the 2018 Best Law Firms list by U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers ® in the following areas: Metropolitan Tier 1 Colorado Insurance Law Medical Malpractice Law – Plaintiffs Personal Injury Litigation […]

Many people wait until it is absolutely necessary to go to the hospital for help dealing with an injury. Likewise, many people will put off or ignore hiring an attorney. But if you’ve been injured in an accident or on someone’s property, there are reasons you should seek medical attention and legal help immediately. After […]