As the world continues to navigate the complex situation with Covid-19, there are emerging questions about how workers’ compensation may or may not be in play for employees. While time will help us evaluate this scenario, there are a handful of useful guides available, like the article below. At this point, depending on how an […]
Keating Wagner was proud to support Thunderridge High School in its annual fundraising efforts to help families in need. This year the firm supported Thunderridge’s charity drive for Caruso Family Charities, which helps families with children who are dealing with life-threatening illnesses. Students at the school were able to raise more than $25,000 over the […]

Keating Wagner Polidori Free is proud to announce that 10 of its attorneys were named as Colorado Super Lawyers and one was named a Rising Star on the 2020 Super Lawyers list. Congratulations to Larry Free, Mike Keating, Deirdre Ostrowski, Christina Habas, Bob Wagner, Daniel Wartell, Ross Pulkrabek, Randy Barnhart, and Zach Warzel, who were […]

Premises liability cases are fraught with difficulties, and when multiple defendants are involved, those difficulties can compound. Keating Wagner’s Melissa Hailey will be discussing the nuances of multi-defendant premises liability cases at the Colorado Trial Lawyers Association Blockbuster Seminar on January 31 in Denver. Blockbuster is the CTLA’s leading continuing legal education seminar, and it […]

Keating Wagner Polidori Free is proud to announce that 5280 Magazine recognized five Keating Wagner attorneys as part of their annual Top Attorney list, which honors attorneys across a 7-county metro area from 50 different practice areas. Included in this year’s list are Randy Barnhart, Larry Free, Christina Habas, Mike Keating, and Zachary Warzel. This […]

Denver-based Keating Wagner Polidori Free P.C. a leading personal injury and high stakes commercial litigation law firms has been ranked in the 2020 Best Law Firms list by U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers ® in the following areas: Metropolitan Tier 1: Colorado Insurance Law Legal Malpractice Law – Plaintiffs Litigation – Insurance […]

Keating Wagner is proud to sponsor a Colorado contingent of riders heading East as part of the annual Tour de Force bike ride. The event, held annually to commemorate and honor those police and public service members killed in the line of duty on Sept. 11, will feature hundreds of riders from across the country. […]

Keating Wagner Polidori Free is proud to announce that eleven of its attorneys were included in this year’s Best Lawyers list across a range of practice areas including Ross Pulkrabek, who was named as a Lawyer of the Year for Legal Malpractice Law- Plaintiffs, and Melissa Hailey, who is honored for the first time. Attorneys […]

We are proud to announce that the firm has recently published a 2019 practice guide on pretrial civil litigation with publisher Lexis Nexis. The guide is a “go to” source for pretrial litigation in Colorado, and it reflects the firm’s in-depth knowledge and experience with pre-trial litigation procedures. The firm’s attorneys worked collaboratively to build […]

Keating Wagner’s Mike Keating was featured in last month’s Trial Talk publication from the Colorado Trial Lawyers’ Association. Mike joined attorney Michael Mihm from Ogborn Mihm for a question and answer session about the business of practicing law. The two Mikes discussed a range of topics, including management styles, hiring, training, successful partnerships, and a […]

The Colorado Trial Lawyers Association bimonthly publication, Trial Talk, this month features an article by Keating Wagner’s Zach Warzel, who offers a primer on the tax implications of a judgment or settlement under the new tax law. While Zach doesn’t claim to be a tax expert, or even to play one on TV, his recent […]

Wednesday evening, Keating Wagner served as a proud partner and supporter of the Vision Zero Walk and Ride that honored 88 people who died walking, biking, and driving on Denver streets last year. The vigil, which included city leaders and community members, including Mayor Michael Hancock, hopes to raise awareness about efforts to reduce traffic-related […]