Law Week Colorado last week highlighted a handful of recent plaintiffs’ appellate victories in its story “Plaintiffs Cases in Supreme Court.” The story includes an interview with Keating Wagner attorney Zach Warzel, who was part of two recent Colorado Supreme Court victories related to insurance law. Zach worked alongside Nelson Waneka of Levin Sitcoff representing a plaintiff’s estate in Guarantee Trust Life v. Estate of Casper.
From Law Week: “In Casper, the plaintiff died between the time a jury delivered a verdict in his favor — including punitive damages and attorney’s fees — but before the judgment was entered. Zachary Warzel said the case will have implications in any civil litigation where a plaintiff dies or is at risk of dying during the course of litigation. The Supreme Court found that, according to the state’s survival statute, plaintiffs can recover punitive damages even after their death. The court also said that a plaintiff cannot recover punitive damages if a defendant dies.”