
When to Hire a Bad Faith Insurance Attorney for a Fire Claim in Denver

Insurance companies are looking to increase profits and minimize the amount they pay out on insurance claims. Sometimes, their actions are less than reasonable business decisions.

Insurers can cross the line into bad faith conduct that violates Colorado law. When they do, it is critical to hold them accountable by retaining a bad faith insurance attorney. At Keating Wagner Polidori Free, we represent policyholders whose insurance companies have acted in bad faith by wrongfully delaying or denying coverage.

Increased Bad Faith Actions Due to Increased Wild Fires

We take bad faith insurance cases related to a full range of situations, but many of our clients run into insurance issues after house fires. Insurance bad faith in relation to fire damage claims has become more common in recent years with increased wildfires in the Denver area.

There are many ways that insurance companies act in bad faith. So, when should you hire a bad faith insurance attorney for a fire damage claim in Denver?

3 Signs an Insurance Company May Be Acting in Bad Faith

1. Delaying Your Fire Damage Claim

The first and most common reason to hire a lawyer for your insurance bad faith case is that your insurance company has wrongfully delayed or denied payment on your fire damage claim. Maybe it’s been months of investigation dragging out with no payment in sight. Maybe your insurance company has disputed your coverage or made you a lowball offer.

Regardless of the reason, delay or denial of a fire damage claim is a red flag for insurance bad faith. Don’t just accept the insurance company’s reasoning at face value. Contact an attorney for a second opinion on what the insurer is saying.

2. Disputing Your Coverage

Insurance companies sometimes act in bad faith in fire damage claims by alleging that the policy does not cover the specific situation, or does not cover certain property.

An attorney can read your insurance policy closely to determine whether or not this is actually the case.  Policy terms are often vague, ambiguous, or confusing.  An experienced insurance lawyer may be able identify suspect language and use the legal tools available in Colorado to find coverage where the company says there is none.

3. Blaming You for Fire Damage to Your Home

Insurance companies sometimes act in bad faith by minimizing the value of a claim andalleging that certain damage existed prior to the fire. They may try to reduce the payout amount by pointing out allegedly pre-existing flaws in the home. Do not accept the offer unless and until you get a lawyer’s help.

Get Help From an Experienced Insurance Bad Faith Attorney

If you have doubts about what your insurance company has told you after a fire has damaged your home, get help. Talk with one of the experienced lawyers at our Denver law firm. Contact us at 303-534-0401 for a free and confidential consultation.

Published by
Keating Wagner Law Firm

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